Sidewalk Paint Recipe

DIY sidewalk paints |

So yesterday I wrote all well-nigh outdoor learning spaces, and I couldn't cease thinking near homemade sidewalk paint. I take a skillful recipe for sidewalk paint, that'southward elementary to whip up, and y'all tin make lots of unlike colors. And by you, I hateful your child, while yous quiz them on chief and secondary colors and have them measure the ingredients.

homemade sidewalk paints |


  • cornstarch
  • h2o
  • nutrient coloring (Oooooh, I desire to try these next)

1. Mix 1 cup of cornstarch and 1 loving cup of h2o together very well. (Nosotros mixed up a big batch and divided it, just y'all can mix up pocket-sized containers if you lot like.)

2. Divide into 4 cups.

3. Add eight-x drops of food coloring to each cup, either straight up from the canteen or mix 'em to create your ain colors.

4. Paint on sidewalk/driveway/patio/rocks/trees/squirrels.

sidewalk painting

Hint: The paint will expect very watery until it dries, and so it volition lighten and brighten up significantly. You can see the divergence above.

sidewalk painted circles |

sidewalk painted steps

homemade sidewalk chalk paint in cups and on the sidewalk with a kid running

Here are some ideas to try with this DIY sidewalk chalk paint:

Make a ton and paint out some labyrinths on your driveway or sidewalk to walk through.

Decorate your friend's sidewalk for their birthday.

Have your kids collaborate on a big painting, with them each painting one one-half of an epitome.

Have 2 people showtime painting designs from opposite sides of a driveway, and meet in the middle to brand a super-design.

Do large hand-lettering.

Paint a big map of a made-up state.

Have fun with this stuff, and recollect it takes about ii rains to wash away. Or a vigorous hosing-downwards.

What do y'all remember?

Joanne Gonzales has a passion for getting creative. Whether she is making personalized DIY gifts or taking role in larger arts and crafts projects, she puts her all into making new and cute things.

She lives with a grouping of shut friends and believes in the natural way of life. Joanne has built an outdoor craft gallery that overlooks the countryside in her hometown, which is where all of her creations come up to life.

Art started off as a hobby, but over time Joanne has mastered her skills and sold some of her favorite pieces. She works total time as a florist and has washed for many years. It helps keep her creative juices flowing and she hopes to one day open up her own florist shop with a twist.


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